Thursday, October 05, 2017


04/10/2017, 08:26:46:

Kedua2 mempunyai GI yg rendah iaitu 25-27.
Kedua2 tidak akan sebabkan gula darah naik selepas di makan. Tetapi ada sesuatu yg ada dlm barli yg tidak ada dlm oat iaitu :-

Barli boleh menguatkan sistem imun sedangkan oat tidak

Barli boleh membaiki masalah kekurangan sel darah merah sedangkan oat tidak

Barli boleh menguatkan paru-paru serta menghindari asthma sedangkan oat tidak

Barli boleh menguatkan tulang serta elakkan osteoporosis sedangkan oat tidak

Barli boleh mengurangkan kolesterol sedangkan oat tidak

Barli boleh mencuci usus serta lakukan proses detoksifikasi sedangkan oat tidak

Barli boleh menguatkan ginjal dan mencairkan batu karang dan batu hempedu sedangkan oat tidak

DAN YG PALING PENTING DRPD SEMUA DIATAS....Nabi SAW pernah makan BARLI tetapi tidak oat. (Barli disebut dlm 21 hadis Nabi SAW tetapi oat tidak.



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1 comment:

The G said...

Top Health Perks
Oatmeal’s most enduring claim to fame is its proven ability to curb bad (LDL) cholesterol. Chalk that up to a type of soluble fiber called beta glucan.

Eating oats is linked to an average 7% drop in LDL cholesterol, research shows. Many other things also affect your heart's health (like what else you eat, how active you are, and whether you smoke), but oatmeal is a simple heart-smart start.

The fiber in oatmeal also helps you feel full and eat less later on during the day. Fiber also eases constipation and helps control blood sugars.

Great oatmeal starts with plain rolled oats, or steel-cut oats, cooked in a little water or milk, and topped with wholesome ingredients. It's a feel-good start to the day, and if you make it a habit, it can do your health some favors.


Whole Grains Council: "Types of Oats" and "Whole Grains A-Z."

Othman, R. Nutrition Review, June 2011.

Bob's Red Mill: "Basic Cooking Instructions for Oat Groats."