Friday, December 25, 2020


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Many ladies add bay leaves to their foods, especially in the cooking of red meat and poultry. Many don't know why bay leaves are added to food !

When a woman was  asked why, she said, "to flavour the food". If you boil the bay leaves in a glass of water and taste it, it will have no flavour.  So why do you put bay leaves in the meat or other food ?

The addition of bay leaves to meat converts triglycerides to monounsaturated fats and, for experimentation and confirmation:

Cut a chicken into two halves, cook each half in a separate pan and place on one a bay leaf, and cook the other without a bay leaf. Observe the amount of fat in both pans after cooking !

If you have bay leaves, there is no need for a pharmacy, as recent scientific studies have shown that bay leaves have many benefits. They help to get rid of many serious health problems and illnesses.

The benefits of bay leaves : 

They - 
▪Treat digestive disorders and help eliminate -
Hot bay tea regulates bowel movements - 
   •lowers blood sugar
   •is an antioxidant,
▪by eating them, or by drinking bay tea for a month, the body is able to produce insulin 
▪eliminates bad cholesterol and relieves the body of triglycerides.
▪useful in treating colds, flu and severe coughs, as it is a rich source of vitamin "C". ▪you can boil the leaves and inhale steam to get rid of phlegm and reduce the severity of coughs.
▪protects the heart from seizures and strokes, as they contain cardiovascular protective compounds.
▪rich in acids such as caffeic acid, quercetin, eigonol and bartolinide, substances that prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body.
▪eliminates insomnia and anxiety. If taken before bed, helps you relax and sleep peacefully.
▪drinking a cup of boiled bay leaves twice a day breaks down kidney stones and cures infections.

Don't just read and leave in your in box. 

Forward & share  it for others' benefit ! 👍

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Friday, December 18, 2020


*▪️When we are old, our feet must always remain strong.*
*▪️When we gain ageing / grow aged, we should not be afraid of hair turning grey (or) his skin sagging (or) wrinkles.*
*▪️Among the signs of *longevity,* as summarized by the US Magazine "Prevention", *strong leg muscles* are listed on the top, as *the most important and essential one.*
*▪️Do not move your legs for two weeks & your leg strength will decrease by 10 years.*
*▪️A study from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark found that both old and young, during the two weeks of *inactivity,* _the legs muscle strength got weakened by a third_ which is *equivalent to 20-30 years of ageing.*
*▪️As our leg muscles weaken, it will take a long time to recover, even if we do _rehabilitation exercises,_ later.*
*▪️Therefore, regular exercise like walking, is very important.*
*▪️The whole body weight/load remain on legs.*
*▪️The foot is a kind of *pillars,* bearing the weight of the human body.
*▪️Interestingly, 50% of a person's bones and 50% of the muscles, are in the two legs.*
*▪️The largest and strongest joints and bones of the human body are also in the legs.*
*▪️"Strong bones, strong muscles, and flexible joints form the "Iron Triangle" that carries the most important load on the human body."*
*▪️70% of human activity and burning of energy in one's life, is done by the two feet.*
*▪️Do you know this? When a person is young, his *thighs have enough strengths, to lift a small car!*
*▪️The foot is the *center of body locomotion.*
*▪️Both the legs together have 50% of the nerves of the human body, 50% of the blood vessels and 50% of the blood flowing through them.*
*▪️It is the large circulatory network that connects the body.*
*▪️Only when the feet are healthy then the *convention current of blood* *flows, smoothly, so people who have strong leg muscles will definitely have a *strong heart.*
*▪️Aging starts from the feet upwards.*
*▪️As a person gets older, the accuracy and speed of  transmission of instructions between the brain and the _legs decreases,_ unlike when a person is young.*
*▪️In addition, the so-called *Bone Fertilizer Calcium* *will sooner or later be lost with the passage of time, making the elderly more prone to bone fractures.*
*▪️Fractures in the elderly easily *triggers* series of *complications, especially fatal diseases such as brain thrombosis.*
*▪️Do you know that 15% of elderly patients will die within a year of a thigh-bone fracture.* 
*▪️Exercising the legs, is never too late, even after the age of 60 years.*
*▪️Although our feet will gradually age with time, exercising our feet is a life-long task.* 
*▪️Only by strengthening the legs, *one can prevent further aging.*
*▪️Please walk for *at least 30-40 minutes,* *daily to ensure that your legs receive sufficient exercise and to ensure that your leg muscleus remain healthy.*
*▪️Please share amongst your elderly friends and family members.*

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Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Noctoria - Night Time Urination

Noctoria (Night time urination) and heart problem are related. It is worth spending two minutes to take read the information below.

An American doctor tells us that Noctoria, heart problem and cerebral infarction are related. The most common symptom of middle-aged and elderly people is nocturia (waking up at night to urinate). Because of nocturnal urine, the elderly are afraid of drinking water before bedtime. They don't know that not drinking water before going to bed, getting up in the middle of the night to pee without drinking water is an important cause of early morning cerebral infarction in middle-aged and elderly people.

In fact, nocturia is not a problem of bladder dysfunction. Nocturia is caused by the aging failure of the heart function in the elderly, and the inability of the right heart atrium to suck blood from the lower body. During the day, we are all in a standing position, The blood will flow down. If the heart is not good, the blood volume of the heart is insufficient, the pressure on the lower body will increase, so middle-aged and elderly people will have lower body edema during the day. When they lie down at night, the pressure on the lower body will be relieved and a lot of water accumulate in the tissues. The water returns to the blood. If there is too much water, the kidneys will work hard to separate out the water and drain it to the bladder, causing nocturia.

Therefore, it usually takes about three or four hours after lying down to sleep to get up and go to the toilet for the first time. After that, the water in the blood continues to increase. So after another 3 hours, they will have to go to the toilet again.

Why is this an important cause of cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction? Because after two or three urinations, the water in the blood is greatly reduced. The body also continue to lose water through breathing. The blood then begins to become thick and sticky, and the heart rate slows down due to the low metabolism of the body during sleep. With thick blood and slow blood flow, the stenosis of the blood vessel is easily blocked... This is why the middle-aged and elderly people almost always have myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction at 5 or 6 in the morning. This situation will lead to death while asleep.

The first thing to tell everyone is that nocturia is not a malfunction of the bladder, but a problem of aging heart. The second thing to tell everyone is that you must drink some warm water before going to bed, and you must drink some warm water after you wake up in the middle of the night to pee. Don't be afraid of nocturia, because not drinking water may take your life. The third thing is that you must exercise more in normal times to strengthen the function of the heart. The human body is not a machine. A machine will wear out when used frequently, but the human body will be the opposite. It will become stronger when used frequently. Do not eat unhealthy food, especially high starch and fried foods. If you like this article, please forward it to your middle-aged and elderly friends.

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