A blog that accumulates information on attaining good health, fitness and beauty including disease recovery. Thanks to all those who have contributed through various media sources. The sharing of information in this blog is just for reading and knowledge. However, if readers wished to practice whatever being posted in this blog, they are advised to practice them with caution.
Sunday, October 28, 2018

Setelah beku , parut kulit lemon tanpa memotongnya , dan taburi di atas makanan Anda , pada sayuran , salad , es krim , sup , sereal , mie , saus spaghetti , beras , sushi , hidangan ikan , ... daftar ini tak ada habisnya...
Semua makanan akan mendapatkan rasa indah yang tak terduga...!
Mungkin anda berpikir jus lemon hanya mengandung vitamin C.....??
Tidak lagi.....!!!
Apa keuntungan utama dari menggunakan parutan kulit lemon selain menambah rasa baru pada hidangan anda...?
Kulit lemon mengandung 5-10x lebih banyak vitamin daripada jus lemon...
Dan itulah yang telah Anda sia siakan selama ini...
Kulit lemon meremajakan kesehatan dengan memberantas unsur-unsur beracun dalam tubuh...!
Manfaat mengejutkan dari lemon adalah kemampuan ajaibnya untuk *membunuh sel-sel kanker10.000 kali lebih kuat dari kemoterapi.....!!!*
Mengapa kita tidak tahu tentang itu...?
Karena ada laboratorium tertarik untuk membuat versi sintetis yang akan memberi mereka keuntungan besar...!
Rasanya menyenangkan dan tidak memberi efek mengerikan seperti kemoterapi...!
Berapa banyak orang yang telah dan akan mati , sementara rahasia ini tetap tersimpan dan dijaga ketat , supaya tidak mengancam kekayaan multijutawan perusahaan besar...?
Tanaman ini adalah obat yang terbukti melawan kanker dari semua jenis...
Juga sebagai spektrum anti mikroba terhadap infeksi bakteri dan jamur , efektif terhadap parasit internal dan cacing , mengatur tekanan darah dan anti depresan , memerangi stres dan gangguan saraf...
Sumber informasi menarik ini berasal dari salah satu produsen obat terbesar di dunia , yang mengatakan bahwa setelah lebih dari 20 tes laboratorium sejak tahun 1970 , mengungkapkan bahwa ekstrak lemon menghancurkan sel-sel ganas dari 12 kanker , termasuk kanker usus besar , payudara , prostat , paru-paru dan pankreas ... !!!
Senyawa pohon ini menunjukkan efek 10.000 kali lebih baik dari produk adriamycin , obat kemoterapi yang biasanya digunakan di dunia , dan memperlambat pertumbuhan sel kanker...!!!
Dan bahkan yang lebih mencengangkan :
jenis terapi dengan ekstrak lemon hanya menghancurkan sel-sel kanker ganas dan tidak mempengaruhi sel-sel sehat.....!!!
*Jadi , cuci bersih lemon , bekukan dalam freezer , dan parut.*
Seluruh tubuh Anda akan mencintai Anda untuk itu.....!!
*Share ke teman -teman*
*Anda dapat menyelamatkan nyawa seseorang dengan sharing ini.*
🍋🍋 *Pemusnah Sel Kanker* 🍋🍋
Air lemon panas boleh menolong anda seumur hidup.
Harus baca dan sebarkan walau anda sibuk.
1. 🍋 *Lemon panas membunuh sel kanker*.
2. 🍋 *2-3 irisan lemon dicelupkan dalam 1 gelas air panas, boleh menjadi air alkaline.*
3. 🍋 *Bermanfaat bagi tubuh, diminum tiap hari sangat bermanfaat bagi siapa saja*.
4. 🍋 *Air lemon yang panas akan menghasilkan sejenis zat anti kanker yg terasa pahit, menjadi obat kanker yang ampuh dalam pengobatan modern*.
5. 🍋 *Air lemon dingin hanya mengandung vitamin C.*
6. 🍋 *Ibarat buah tomat, harus dimasak terlebih dahulu baru boleh muncul Lycopene yg bermanfaat*.
7. 🍋 *Air lemon panas terbukti boleh menekan pembengkakan dan tumor dan boleh mengatasi segala jenis tumor.*
8. 🍋 *Lemon Extract boleh melemahkan sel kanker ganas tapi tidak merusak sel normal.*
9. 🍋 *Citric Acid dan C Polifenol yg terdapat dalam juice lemon boleh menyesuaikan tekanan darah dan mencegah penyumbatan saluran darah, menyesuaikan sirkulasi darah, mengurangi penggumpalan darah.*
10. 🍋 *Habis baca harus beritahu orang lain, sebarkan kasih sayang.*
Sekian, selamat mencoba n hidup lebih sehat 😄😄
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Saturday, October 27, 2018

1. *Tidak pernah sakit lagi*
2. *Tidak pernah lagi takut kanser*
3. *Tidak pernah gemuk lagi*
Di usia doktor tersebut 75 tahun hanya terkena penyakit flu dan itupun hanya sekali.....
Yg dibicarakan dlm buku tersebut adalah :
🌿 Jauhi gula selamanya, bersenam dan mengatur pola makan secukupnya.
🌿 Gula penyebab flu dan influenza.
🌿 Makan sesudu (ukuran sudu teh) gula menurunkan imunisasi tubuh 50%.
🌿 Minum segelas Cola menurunkan imunisasi tubuh 6-8 jam kerana cola mengandung banyak gula.
🌿 Gula penyebab alzeimer.
🌿 Gula merupakan makanan bagi sel kanser. Untuk pencegahan dan penyembuhannya adalah dgn menghindari gula.
🌿 Gula penyebab segala penyakit jantung.
🌿 Gula penyebab bertambahnya berat badan.
🌿 Gula penyebab penimbunan lemak.
🌿 Segala penyebab penyakit manusia ada hubungan dgn gula.
🌿 Doktor Raymond berkata : para ayah melarang anak² mereka merokok dan minum alkohol tetapi memberikan manisan² yg lbh berbahaya dari pd rokok dan alkohol yaitu Gula!
🌿 Kesimpulannya "Hindari Gula!"
Doktor Raymond memenangi karya ilmiah di Univ Frankfurt tentang kesehatan makanan iaitu :
🌿Yoghurt merupakan sumber kalsium tertinggi krn kandungan segelas yoghurt mengsndungi 450mg kalsium.
Maka jadikanlah menu harianmu yoghurt.
Dan yg terbaik adalah yoghurt yg rendah lemak.
🌿 Daun mint adalah ubat utk menguatkan jantung dan pengaliran darah.
Jika meminum daun mint spt teh biasa, dpt melancarkan perut dan usus, mengurangi penyakit serta menyegarkan bau mulut.
🌿 Utk menyembuhkan gastric anacidity, minum segelas rebusan daun mint panas tanpa tambahan gula.
🌿 Daun mint boleh menghilangkan gas, menguatkan ginjal, pankreas dan meredakan batuk, menenangkan saraf dan kondisi marah, menghilangkan insomnia, meningkatkan diuretik dan penghadam makanan yg terbaik.
🌿 Minuman bergas menambah besar ukuran pinggang wanita walaupun tdk menambah berat badannya.
🌿 Minuman bergas menyebabkan : osteoporosis, masalah² jantung dan ginjal, obesiti & kencing manis dan karies gigi.
🌿Bahaya kesihatan dgn minuman peningkat energi bagi anak² : mempercepat denyut nadi, kejang-kejang, stroke, kematian mendadak.
🌿 Teh hijau atau kopi hitam pahit : bagus krn ada antioksidan yg menjaga dari kanser.
🌿 Ikan salmon, epal, anggur, ceri, bluberry, bayam merupakan jenis makanan yg menjaga sel otak dan menguatkan ingatan.
🌿 Tidak benar yg menyebutkan bahwa minum air semasa sedang makan dan stlh makan menyebabkan buncit dan menyulitkan proses pencernaan.
🌿Yg betul: *Air tdk menyebabkan buncit dan membantu mencerna lbh baik dari yg lain*.
🌿 Berjalan selama 30 minit sehari dlm jangka 5 hari seminggu, menjagamu dari : penyakit² jantung, kencing manis, depress, penyakit² tekanan darah, kolesterol.
🌿 Bawang putih: membantu mengurangi kemungkinan terkena kanser krn bawang putih mampu meningkatkan imunisasi.
🌿 Minum air halia hangat pd ptg hari membantu membakar lemak dan mengeluarkan racun dr tubuh.
🌿 *Usahakan minum segelas air setelah bangun tidur* utk mengembalikan cairan yg hilang semasa tidur serta utk membersihkan racun di tubuh.
🌿 Doktor Raymon berkata, "Saya telah mendapat manfaat darinya dan seronok utk share manfaatnya kpd semua orang".
(Utk manfaat lbh banyak dan terperinci, sila baca bukunya atau lihat tayangan youtube dgn judul: _*"Never be a sick again"*_)
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Friday, October 26, 2018
Kepada pencinta Maggi,
Berita Kesihatan :
Kerajaan Malaysia telah menasihatkan Nestle Malaysia utk menarik balik semua produk Maggie Mee dari pasaran, kerana produk ini didapati tidak selamat utk dimakan. Kerajaan mengesahkan terdapat kuantiti plumbum yg tinggi di dalam bahan-bahan pembuatannya.
Huhuhu 😭😭😭
Tonton berita TV9, 8 malam ini.. Tip kesihatan utk yg merasa bersalah menyediakan Maggi sebagai hidangan jangka panjang utk anak2 dan khuatir membawa kepada kemudaratan kesihatan. Berikan mereka jus daun ketumbar (kottamalli) sekurang2nya 3 kali seminggu. Hancurkan daun ketumbar bersama air, tambah sedikit gula. Kurang gula lebih baik. Daun ketumbar merupakan tumbuhan yg sgt berkuasa utk menyahkan pelbagai sisa tosik dari badan termasuk aluminium. Bantu jutaan kanak2 yg mungkin sudah dijangkiti..
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Berita Kesihatan :
Kerajaan Malaysia telah menasihatkan Nestle Malaysia utk menarik balik semua produk Maggie Mee dari pasaran, kerana produk ini didapati tidak selamat utk dimakan. Kerajaan mengesahkan terdapat kuantiti plumbum yg tinggi di dalam bahan-bahan pembuatannya.
Huhuhu 😭😭😭
Tonton berita TV9, 8 malam ini.. Tip kesihatan utk yg merasa bersalah menyediakan Maggi sebagai hidangan jangka panjang utk anak2 dan khuatir membawa kepada kemudaratan kesihatan. Berikan mereka jus daun ketumbar (kottamalli) sekurang2nya 3 kali seminggu. Hancurkan daun ketumbar bersama air, tambah sedikit gula. Kurang gula lebih baik. Daun ketumbar merupakan tumbuhan yg sgt berkuasa utk menyahkan pelbagai sisa tosik dari badan termasuk aluminium. Bantu jutaan kanak2 yg mungkin sudah dijangkiti..
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Thursday, October 25, 2018
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
_*Info dari Dr. Soelihanto. (Pakar Bedah di Unibraw)*_
Kalau makan nenas bahagian tengahnya dibuang tidak?
Mulai sekarang jangan dibuang ya!!!.
Bahagian tengah nenas ini cukup mustajab.
_*Banyak seratnya anti CANCER USUS.*_
Bahagian yang biasa kita makan itu umumnya adalah gula.
_*Yang tengah itu namanya "BRoMoLiN".*_
Khasiat BRoMoLiN dirahasiakan pihak medikal kerana _*Bromolin membantu penyerapan semua vitamin, mineral dalam tubuh.*_
Pada pasien kanser, Bromolin melunakkan dinding-dinding sel sehingga ubat dapat benar-benar menembus ke inti sel. Terus penggunaan ubat-ubatan hanya diperlukanan 25% saja dari dos.
Antibiotik 100mg , kalau makan Bromolin, kita hanya perlu yang dos 25 mg .
*Kenapa dirahsiakan?*
Kerana industri ubat dunia terancam penjualannya. Bayangkan saja misalnya dalam 1 pil mereka biasa pakai zat tertentu 100 mg, lalu sekarang hanya pakai 25 mg. Bisa gulung tikar syarikatnya.
Semoga Berguna.
Jadi, makan nenas, makan juga empulurnya kerana di situlah kebaikan utama yang boleh didapatkan dari buah nenas.
BRoMoLiN itu 10,000 kali lebih kuat dari Kemoterapi.
*Kisah Nyata:*
Pengalaman teman:
Ada penyumbatan pembuluh darah banyak luar biasa , sudah pasang ring 7.
Sekarang dia makan Bromolin sama Vitamin C dos tinggi dan penyumbatannya bersih sendiri.
Dulu setiap 6 bulan sekali dia SCAN selalu ada yang tersumbat. Sekarang bersih sama sekali dan jadi lancar, tidak ada yang tersumbat.
*Semoga Bermanfaat!!!*
Mari kita berbagi info ini pada saudara2, teman-teman kita siapa tahu ada yang sangat memerlukan.
*Semoga Bermanfa'at.*
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_*Info dari Dr. Soelihanto. (Pakar Bedah di Unibraw)*_
Kalau makan nenas bahagian tengahnya dibuang tidak?
Mulai sekarang jangan dibuang ya!!!.
Bahagian tengah nenas ini cukup mustajab.
_*Banyak seratnya anti CANCER USUS.*_
Bahagian yang biasa kita makan itu umumnya adalah gula.
_*Yang tengah itu namanya "BRoMoLiN".*_
Khasiat BRoMoLiN dirahasiakan pihak medikal kerana _*Bromolin membantu penyerapan semua vitamin, mineral dalam tubuh.*_
Pada pasien kanser, Bromolin melunakkan dinding-dinding sel sehingga ubat dapat benar-benar menembus ke inti sel. Terus penggunaan ubat-ubatan hanya diperlukanan 25% saja dari dos.
Antibiotik 100mg , kalau makan Bromolin, kita hanya perlu yang dos 25 mg .
*Kenapa dirahsiakan?*
Kerana industri ubat dunia terancam penjualannya. Bayangkan saja misalnya dalam 1 pil mereka biasa pakai zat tertentu 100 mg, lalu sekarang hanya pakai 25 mg. Bisa gulung tikar syarikatnya.
Semoga Berguna.
Jadi, makan nenas, makan juga empulurnya kerana di situlah kebaikan utama yang boleh didapatkan dari buah nenas.
BRoMoLiN itu 10,000 kali lebih kuat dari Kemoterapi.
*Kisah Nyata:*
Pengalaman teman:
Ada penyumbatan pembuluh darah banyak luar biasa , sudah pasang ring 7.
Sekarang dia makan Bromolin sama Vitamin C dos tinggi dan penyumbatannya bersih sendiri.
Dulu setiap 6 bulan sekali dia SCAN selalu ada yang tersumbat. Sekarang bersih sama sekali dan jadi lancar, tidak ada yang tersumbat.
*Semoga Bermanfaat!!!*
Mari kita berbagi info ini pada saudara2, teman-teman kita siapa tahu ada yang sangat memerlukan.
*Semoga Bermanfa'at.*
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Surah utk Penyakit Kanser
Jaafar Belal Pengetua:
Normazani Ismail:
18/08/2017, 2:31:25 PM: Roshida: Asslamualaikum wbt kpd semua dlm Grp Ini. Saya nak share amalan ex-staff saya seorang Cancer Survivor. Dia pernah kluar di WHI, TV 3 dulu. Di temuramah bersama2 dgn suami nya. Berkongsi pengalaman mula2 di diagnosed, melalui Chemo, bedah, makanan sihat, follow-ups hingga di beritahu she is free fr cancer cells end last yr. Now she is an active Volunteer kpd pesakit2 cancer/survivors.
Lapan surah ini diamalkan dan dibaca untuk memusnahkan sel-sel barah kanser. Jika pesakit dapat membacanya lagi baik. Jika tak terdaya atau kurang baik bacaannya maka boleh minta suami, ayah, ibu atau orang lain membaca untuknya.
Selok-eloknya sebelum memulakan bacaan surah dibawah :
1. Istighfar 10x.
2. Salawat Nabi 10x.
3. Al-Fatihah 1x.
Sediakan sebotol secukupnya air yang bersih lagi suci dan setiap kali habis surah dibaca, ditiupkan kepada air. Pesakit dinasihat minum air bacaan tiap-tiap hari dan sapu/mandi pada anggota yang kena barah kanser. InsyaAllah kerana sakit dan sembuh semua kekuasaanNya.
1. Surah Al Maidah (Ayat 82-91).
2. Surah Al Araf (Ayat 70-81).
3. Surah Ar Ra'd (Ayat 16-28).
4. Surah Al Anbiyaa' (Ayat 38-50).
5. Surah Asy Syu'ara (Ayat 185-227).
6. Surah Az Zummar (Ayat 42-52).
7. Surah Ghafir (Ayat 67-77).
8. Surah Az Zukhruf (Ayat 52-70).
Kepada pembaca tolong sebarkan kepada ahli keluarga dan saudara yang sedang mengidap penyakit kanser. Semoga dengan menolong mereka yang sakit, akan juga mendapat pahala dari bacaannya serta pahala kerana menolong sesama hamba yang benar-benar memerlukan pertolongan dan penyembuhan dari-Nya.
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Normazani Ismail:
18/08/2017, 2:31:25 PM: Roshida: Asslamualaikum wbt kpd semua dlm Grp Ini. Saya nak share amalan ex-staff saya seorang Cancer Survivor. Dia pernah kluar di WHI, TV 3 dulu. Di temuramah bersama2 dgn suami nya. Berkongsi pengalaman mula2 di diagnosed, melalui Chemo, bedah, makanan sihat, follow-ups hingga di beritahu she is free fr cancer cells end last yr. Now she is an active Volunteer kpd pesakit2 cancer/survivors.
Lapan surah ini diamalkan dan dibaca untuk memusnahkan sel-sel barah kanser. Jika pesakit dapat membacanya lagi baik. Jika tak terdaya atau kurang baik bacaannya maka boleh minta suami, ayah, ibu atau orang lain membaca untuknya.
Selok-eloknya sebelum memulakan bacaan surah dibawah :
1. Istighfar 10x.
2. Salawat Nabi 10x.
3. Al-Fatihah 1x.
Sediakan sebotol secukupnya air yang bersih lagi suci dan setiap kali habis surah dibaca, ditiupkan kepada air. Pesakit dinasihat minum air bacaan tiap-tiap hari dan sapu/mandi pada anggota yang kena barah kanser. InsyaAllah kerana sakit dan sembuh semua kekuasaanNya.
1. Surah Al Maidah (Ayat 82-91).
2. Surah Al Araf (Ayat 70-81).
3. Surah Ar Ra'd (Ayat 16-28).
4. Surah Al Anbiyaa' (Ayat 38-50).
5. Surah Asy Syu'ara (Ayat 185-227).
6. Surah Az Zummar (Ayat 42-52).
7. Surah Ghafir (Ayat 67-77).
8. Surah Az Zukhruf (Ayat 52-70).
Kepada pembaca tolong sebarkan kepada ahli keluarga dan saudara yang sedang mengidap penyakit kanser. Semoga dengan menolong mereka yang sakit, akan juga mendapat pahala dari bacaannya serta pahala kerana menolong sesama hamba yang benar-benar memerlukan pertolongan dan penyembuhan dari-Nya.
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Pokok Tulang Patah
Ketika saya masih belajar di Univesiti dulu, saya ada ikut seorang kawan ke pendalaman Rompin Pahang untuk jumpa seorang tok batin. Sahabat saya ni kena masalah patah tulang kat bawah buku lali kaki akibat dilanggar seorang mat rempit.. Masa tu dia dalam perjalanan pulang kuliah malam..
Pendek cerita, saya lihat Tok Batin tu tak baca apa-apa pun. Dia cuma ambil beberapa batang pokok dan tumbuk. Kemudian dia sapu ditempat yang patah dan balut dengan daun pisang. Katanya jangan dibuka selama 3 hari dan tak boleh kena air selama 3 hari tersebut.
Lepas 3 hari, kami pergi semula berjumpa Tok Batin tu.. Saya ni pantang tengok ilmu baru terus je nak menadah..
Saya: Tok tampal apa kat kaki kawan saya tu.. Cepatnya boleh baik?
Tok Batin: Alah, pokok tulang jer...
Saya: Tak payah baca jampi ker Tok..?
Tok Batin: Tak payah.... memang dah itu ubatnya.. Jampi buat apa?
Saya: Saya nak ilmu ni boleh tak Tok..?
Tok Batin: Boleh jer.. Jarang sangat anak muda macam kamu ni minat berubat... Meh ikut aku kita tengok pokok tu.
Saya dan Tok Batin pun berjalan di belakang rumahnya... Ditunjukkan pokok tersebut dan diajar petua nak ambik macam mana.
Katanya, nak buat untuk kes patah, bengkak atau seliuh, pokok ni elok ambil petang sebelum malam.. Nak ambik pulak biar yang bahagian bawah tapi bukan yang jenis sentuh tanah.. Ambil ranting yang lekuknya ke atas.. Yang turun ke bawah tak boleh jadi ubat.
Cara rawatnya pulak mudah jer.. Hanya tumbuk, tampal dan balut dengan daun pisang...semudah A..B...C
"Kalau balut dengan kain jer tak jadi ker Tok?"
Katanya tak berkesan sebab tujuan balut dengan daun pisang tu nak bagi kulit tu sejuk dan tak melepuh. Biasanya lepas 3 hari baru boleh bukak dan Insyaallah sembuh..
Bila dah dapat ilmu tu, saya pun try la test kat seorang kawan yang patah tulang lutut.. Alhamdulillah, menjadi tapi bukan 3 hari la.. 6 hari (dua kali balutan).. So, dibulan yang mulia ni, saya izinkan sapa2 nak guna ilmu ni.. Insyaallah, sembuh... Amin..
*Pokok ni dikenali sebagai pokok TETULANG...
Pokok hiasan dan boleh dicari di Nursery..
Selamat Beramal... :D
Via-Darul Manzil
1) Merawat bisul, kesan bengkak dan patah.
– untuk merawat bisul, bengkak atau patah, perlu terlebih dahulu melayurkan ranting
dahannya yang segar atas api yang sederhana besar. "Layurkannya atas api dalam beberapa
minit dan bila kepanasannya reda sedikit, tuapkan ranting dahan pokok tetulang ini pada
tempat yang terkena bisul, bengkak atau patah. Balutlah dengan kain bersih. Amalkan
sehingga kesan kesakitannya hilang.
2) Pokok ini juga digunakan untuk menghilangkan ketuat
– ambil cecair getah warna putih yang keluar apabila dipatahkan mana-mana dahannya yang
sudah matang, selawat dan sapu pada kawasan yang terkena ketuat setiap hari sehingga
3) Digunakan untuk sakit sendi tulang
– patahkan beberapa ranting pokok tulang bersama getahnya…rebuskan pokok tersebut..dan
air rebusan tersebut dijadikan air mandian..
Ketika saya masih belajar di Univesiti dulu, saya ada ikut seorang kawan ke pendalaman Rompin Pahang untuk jumpa seorang tok batin. Sahabat saya ni kena masalah patah tulang kat bawah buku lali kaki akibat dilanggar seorang mat rempit.. Masa tu dia dalam perjalanan pulang kuliah malam..
Pendek cerita, saya lihat Tok Batin tu tak baca apa-apa pun. Dia cuma ambil beberapa batang pokok dan tumbuk. Kemudian dia sapu ditempat yang patah dan balut dengan daun pisang. Katanya jangan dibuka selama 3 hari dan tak boleh kena air selama 3 hari tersebut.
Lepas 3 hari, kami pergi semula berjumpa Tok Batin tu.. Saya ni pantang tengok ilmu baru terus je nak menadah..
Saya: Tok tampal apa kat kaki kawan saya tu.. Cepatnya boleh baik?
Tok Batin: Alah, pokok tulang jer...
Saya: Tak payah baca jampi ker Tok..?
Tok Batin: Tak payah.... memang dah itu ubatnya.. Jampi buat apa?
Saya: Saya nak ilmu ni boleh tak Tok..?
Tok Batin: Boleh jer.. Jarang sangat anak muda macam kamu ni minat berubat... Meh ikut aku kita tengok pokok tu.
Saya dan Tok Batin pun berjalan di belakang rumahnya... Ditunjukkan pokok tersebut dan diajar petua nak ambik macam mana.
Katanya, nak buat untuk kes patah, bengkak atau seliuh, pokok ni elok ambil petang sebelum malam.. Nak ambik pulak biar yang bahagian bawah tapi bukan yang jenis sentuh tanah.. Ambil ranting yang lekuknya ke atas.. Yang turun ke bawah tak boleh jadi ubat.
Cara rawatnya pulak mudah jer.. Hanya tumbuk, tampal dan balut dengan daun pisang...semudah A..B...C
"Kalau balut dengan kain jer tak jadi ker Tok?"
Katanya tak berkesan sebab tujuan balut dengan daun pisang tu nak bagi kulit tu sejuk dan tak melepuh. Biasanya lepas 3 hari baru boleh bukak dan Insyaallah sembuh..
Bila dah dapat ilmu tu, saya pun try la test kat seorang kawan yang patah tulang lutut.. Alhamdulillah, menjadi tapi bukan 3 hari la.. 6 hari (dua kali balutan).. So, dibulan yang mulia ni, saya izinkan sapa2 nak guna ilmu ni.. Insyaallah, sembuh... Amin..
*Pokok ni dikenali sebagai pokok TETULANG...
Pokok hiasan dan boleh dicari di Nursery..
Selamat Beramal... :D
Via-Darul Manzil
1) Merawat bisul, kesan bengkak dan patah.
– untuk merawat bisul, bengkak atau patah, perlu terlebih dahulu melayurkan ranting
dahannya yang segar atas api yang sederhana besar. "Layurkannya atas api dalam beberapa
minit dan bila kepanasannya reda sedikit, tuapkan ranting dahan pokok tetulang ini pada
tempat yang terkena bisul, bengkak atau patah. Balutlah dengan kain bersih. Amalkan
sehingga kesan kesakitannya hilang.
2) Pokok ini juga digunakan untuk menghilangkan ketuat
– ambil cecair getah warna putih yang keluar apabila dipatahkan mana-mana dahannya yang
sudah matang, selawat dan sapu pada kawasan yang terkena ketuat setiap hari sehingga
3) Digunakan untuk sakit sendi tulang
– patahkan beberapa ranting pokok tulang bersama getahnya…rebuskan pokok tersebut..dan
air rebusan tersebut dijadikan air mandian..
Instant Noodles
Please note that our Institute Jantung Negara (IJN) has recommended Malaysians not to over eat instant noodles as heart disease is mainly caused by the seasoning powder. If you can't do without it, reduce the powder by half and don't drink the soup after you finish the noodle.
DO NOT IGNORE THIS ... Especially those fond of Maggi...
The correct way to cook instant noodles without harming our bodies and health:
Normally, how we cook the instant noodles is to put the noodles into a pot with water, throw in the powder and let it cook for around 3 minutes and then it's ready to eat.
This is the WRONG method of cooking the instant noodles.
By doing this, when we actually boil the ingredients in the powder, normally with MSG, it will change the molecular structure of the MSG, causing it to be toxic.
The other thing that you may or may not realize is that, the noodles are coated with wax and it will take around 4 to 5 days for the body to excrete the wax after you have eaten the noodles.
1. Boil the noodles in a pot of water.
2. Once the noodles are cooked, take out the noodles, and throw away the water which contains wax.
3. Boil another pot of water, add the cooked noodles into the hot boiling water and then turn off the stove.
4. Only at this stage when the stove is off, and while the water is very hot, add the flavouring powder into the water, to make noodle soup.
5. However, if you need dry noodles, remove the noodles and add the flavouring powder and toss it to get dry noodles.
Dietician's Note:
If you buy plain hakka noodles which you make, you initially need to boil in water and discard the water. This will soften the noodles but to prevent it from sticking we need to add a tbsp of oil and also the noodles are deep fried partially to make them crunchy and then dusted with flour to prevent them from sticking while boiling. Hence when you buy the noodles they are already made unhealthy and this is the type we use to make stir fry noodles and the regular Maggie too is made the same way, plus they add MSG / Ajinomoto and other chemical preservetives.
A large number of patients with ages ranging from 18-24 years are ending up with pancreatitis either as a swelling or infection of the pancreas due to regular consumption of instant noodles...
If the frequency is more than 3 times a week, then it is very hazardous...
Please share this info and help save a life
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DO NOT IGNORE THIS ... Especially those fond of Maggi...
The correct way to cook instant noodles without harming our bodies and health:
Normally, how we cook the instant noodles is to put the noodles into a pot with water, throw in the powder and let it cook for around 3 minutes and then it's ready to eat.
This is the WRONG method of cooking the instant noodles.
By doing this, when we actually boil the ingredients in the powder, normally with MSG, it will change the molecular structure of the MSG, causing it to be toxic.
The other thing that you may or may not realize is that, the noodles are coated with wax and it will take around 4 to 5 days for the body to excrete the wax after you have eaten the noodles.
1. Boil the noodles in a pot of water.
2. Once the noodles are cooked, take out the noodles, and throw away the water which contains wax.
3. Boil another pot of water, add the cooked noodles into the hot boiling water and then turn off the stove.
4. Only at this stage when the stove is off, and while the water is very hot, add the flavouring powder into the water, to make noodle soup.
5. However, if you need dry noodles, remove the noodles and add the flavouring powder and toss it to get dry noodles.
Dietician's Note:
If you buy plain hakka noodles which you make, you initially need to boil in water and discard the water. This will soften the noodles but to prevent it from sticking we need to add a tbsp of oil and also the noodles are deep fried partially to make them crunchy and then dusted with flour to prevent them from sticking while boiling. Hence when you buy the noodles they are already made unhealthy and this is the type we use to make stir fry noodles and the regular Maggie too is made the same way, plus they add MSG / Ajinomoto and other chemical preservetives.
A large number of patients with ages ranging from 18-24 years are ending up with pancreatitis either as a swelling or infection of the pancreas due to regular consumption of instant noodles...
If the frequency is more than 3 times a week, then it is very hazardous...
Please share this info and help save a life
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Tuesday, October 09, 2018
👍 Good articles to share
To have Long Life, the 10 years from 70 to 79 years old are crucial!
70 to 79 years old- "Dangerous age group"
Israeli scholars have found that there are around two health problems per month for elderly people between the ages of 70 and 79. Surprisingly, the health status of the elderly aged 80-89 is as stable as the 60-69 age group.
70-79 years old is a dangerous period. During this period, various organs decline rapidly. It is a frequent period of various geriatric diseases, and it is often prone to hyperlipemia, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, and diabetes.
After entering the age of 80, these diseases will decline, and the mental and physical health may return to the level of 60-69 years old.
Thus, the age of 70 to 79 years old is called the "dangerous age group". As people grow older many people want to have a good healthy life. They realise that "Health is Wealth".
The 10-year health care of 70 to 79 years old is crucial.
Here are some simple steps called
"Doing *ten ones * every day"
This will help you to navigate more smoothly through the "dangerous age group" stage of your life.
When the elderly are 70 to 79 years old, they may wish to do this "ten ones" every day. Here are the 10 tips:
 1. a pot of water
Water is "the best and cheapest health drink".
You must drink a glass of water during the following three times/occasions each day:
First cup:
After getting out of bed, you can drink a glass of water on an empty stomach.
Because of our invisible sweating and urine secretion during sleep, we lose a lot of water. Even if we don't feel thirsty after getting up, the body liquids will still be thick due to lack of water. Therefore, after getting out of bed, you must slowly add water as soon as possible.
Second cup:
A glass of water after exercise
The right amount of exercise is one of the cornerstones of longevity, especially for the elderly, and more attention should be paid to effective and reasonable exercise. However, after exercise, special attention should be paid to replenishing water. During exercise, sweat takes away electrolytes and consumes more energy. If you don't pay attention, it is prone to hypoglycemia after exercise, and even cause syncope. Therefore, after the exercise, it is recommended that the old people drink water to which a small pinch of salt and sugar can be added and dissolved if you wish.
Third cup:
a glass of water before going to bed....
When people are asleep, sweat glands are still draining water. When the body's water is reduced too much, the blood viscosity is increased. A cup of water before going to bed can effectively reduce the blood viscosity and may even slow down the appearance of aging. Helps against Angina, myocardial infarction and other diseases.
2. a bowl of porridge
If you feel sick, drink a bowl of porridge! Wang Shixiong, a famous medical scientist in the Qing Dynasty, called porridge "the first complement of the world" in his book.
China Daily Online published a 14-year study conducted by Harvard University on 100,000 people. It found that a bowl of about 28 grams of whole grain cereal porridge per day can reduce 5% mortality and 9%. and reduce the chance of getting cardiovascular disease.
Each volunteer was in good physical condition when he participated in the study in 1984, but in the 2010 feedback survey, more than 26,000 volunteers have passed away.
It was found that those volunteers who regularly eat whole grains such as porridge, brown rice, corn and buckwheat seem to have avoided all diseases, especially heart disease.
 3. a cup of milk
Milk is known as "white blood" and is to the human body. Its nutritional value is well known with a lot of calcium, fat and protein
The recommended daily intake of milk and dairy products is 300 grams. For an ordinary 200 ml bottle of milk, it is enough to drink one or two 200 -ml - bottles or packets of milk a day.
4. an egg
Eggs can be said to be the most suitable food for human consumption. The body's absorption rate of egg protein can be as high as 98%.
5. an apple
Modern research believes that apples have the effects of lowering cholesterol, losing weight, preventing cancer, preventing aging, enhancing memory, and making the skin smooth and soft.
The health benefits of different color apples are different:
Red apples have the effect of lowering blood lipids and softening blood vessels
Green apple has the effect of nourishing liver and detoxifying, and can fight depression, so it is more suitable for young people to eat.
Yellow apples have a good effect on protecting vision.
6. an onion
The Onion has a very high nutritional value and has many functions, including helping to lower blood sugar, lowering cholesterol, preventing cancer, protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and also anti- bacteria, preventing colds, and supplementing calcium and bones. Eat onions at least three or four times a week.
 7. a piece of fish
Chinese Nutritionists have warned that "eating "four legs" is worse than eating "two legs", eating "two legs" is worse than eating "no legs."
"Four legs" mainly refers to pigs, cattle, and mutton. Eating too much of these meats is not conducive to weight loss and lowering blood fat;
"Two legs" mainly refers to poultry such as chicken, duck, goose, etc., which are good meat foods;
"No legs" mainly refers to fish and various vegetables. The protein contained in fish is easily digested and absorbed. The amount of unsaturated fatty acids in the fat, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids, is relatively good for the body.
8. Gentle walking
This has a magical anti-aging effect. When adults walk (about 1 kilometre or less) regularly for more than 12 weeks, they will achieve the effect of correct posture and waist circumference, and the body becomes strong and not easily tired.
In addition, walking exercise is also beneficial to treat headache, back pain, shoulder pain, etc., and can promote sleep.
Experts believe that a 30-minute walk a day can get rid of the danger of "adult disease". People who take 10,000 steps a day will have a lower chance of developing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.
 9. a hobby
Having a hobby, whether it is raising flowers, raising birds, collecting stamps, fishing, or painting, singing, playing chess, and traveling, can help the elderly to maintain extensive contact with society and nature. This broadens the horizons of interest of the elderly. They will love and cherish life.
10. good mood
Old people should maintain good emotions as these are extremely important to their health. Common chronic diseases which affect the elderly are closely related to the negative emotions of the elderly:
Many patients with coronary heart disease have angina and myocardial infarction due to stimulation of adverse emotions, resulting in sudden death;
"Bad" temper leads to high blood pressure. In prolonged and severe cases, this can cause stroke, heart failure, sudden death, etc.;
Negative Emotions such as anger, anxiety, and grief can cause blood sugar levels to rise, causing metabolic disorders in the body.
This shows how important it is to have a good mood!
Physical aging is a natural phenomenon, and it is the most sensible choice to fully devote yourself to life and to live the best of the day!
If you feel that this article is useful, share it with more friends~......
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70 to 79 years old- "Dangerous age group"
Israeli scholars have found that there are around two health problems per month for elderly people between the ages of 70 and 79. Surprisingly, the health status of the elderly aged 80-89 is as stable as the 60-69 age group.
70-79 years old is a dangerous period. During this period, various organs decline rapidly. It is a frequent period of various geriatric diseases, and it is often prone to hyperlipemia, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, and diabetes.
After entering the age of 80, these diseases will decline, and the mental and physical health may return to the level of 60-69 years old.
Thus, the age of 70 to 79 years old is called the "dangerous age group". As people grow older many people want to have a good healthy life. They realise that "Health is Wealth".
The 10-year health care of 70 to 79 years old is crucial.
Here are some simple steps called
"Doing *ten ones * every day"
This will help you to navigate more smoothly through the "dangerous age group" stage of your life.
When the elderly are 70 to 79 years old, they may wish to do this "ten ones" every day. Here are the 10 tips:
 1. a pot of water
Water is "the best and cheapest health drink".
You must drink a glass of water during the following three times/occasions each day:
First cup:
After getting out of bed, you can drink a glass of water on an empty stomach.
Because of our invisible sweating and urine secretion during sleep, we lose a lot of water. Even if we don't feel thirsty after getting up, the body liquids will still be thick due to lack of water. Therefore, after getting out of bed, you must slowly add water as soon as possible.
Second cup:
A glass of water after exercise
The right amount of exercise is one of the cornerstones of longevity, especially for the elderly, and more attention should be paid to effective and reasonable exercise. However, after exercise, special attention should be paid to replenishing water. During exercise, sweat takes away electrolytes and consumes more energy. If you don't pay attention, it is prone to hypoglycemia after exercise, and even cause syncope. Therefore, after the exercise, it is recommended that the old people drink water to which a small pinch of salt and sugar can be added and dissolved if you wish.
Third cup:
a glass of water before going to bed....
When people are asleep, sweat glands are still draining water. When the body's water is reduced too much, the blood viscosity is increased. A cup of water before going to bed can effectively reduce the blood viscosity and may even slow down the appearance of aging. Helps against Angina, myocardial infarction and other diseases.
2. a bowl of porridge
If you feel sick, drink a bowl of porridge! Wang Shixiong, a famous medical scientist in the Qing Dynasty, called porridge "the first complement of the world" in his book.
China Daily Online published a 14-year study conducted by Harvard University on 100,000 people. It found that a bowl of about 28 grams of whole grain cereal porridge per day can reduce 5% mortality and 9%. and reduce the chance of getting cardiovascular disease.
Each volunteer was in good physical condition when he participated in the study in 1984, but in the 2010 feedback survey, more than 26,000 volunteers have passed away.
It was found that those volunteers who regularly eat whole grains such as porridge, brown rice, corn and buckwheat seem to have avoided all diseases, especially heart disease.
 3. a cup of milk
Milk is known as "white blood" and is to the human body. Its nutritional value is well known with a lot of calcium, fat and protein
The recommended daily intake of milk and dairy products is 300 grams. For an ordinary 200 ml bottle of milk, it is enough to drink one or two 200 -ml - bottles or packets of milk a day.
4. an egg
Eggs can be said to be the most suitable food for human consumption. The body's absorption rate of egg protein can be as high as 98%.
5. an apple
Modern research believes that apples have the effects of lowering cholesterol, losing weight, preventing cancer, preventing aging, enhancing memory, and making the skin smooth and soft.
The health benefits of different color apples are different:
Red apples have the effect of lowering blood lipids and softening blood vessels
Green apple has the effect of nourishing liver and detoxifying, and can fight depression, so it is more suitable for young people to eat.
Yellow apples have a good effect on protecting vision.
6. an onion
The Onion has a very high nutritional value and has many functions, including helping to lower blood sugar, lowering cholesterol, preventing cancer, protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and also anti- bacteria, preventing colds, and supplementing calcium and bones. Eat onions at least three or four times a week.
 7. a piece of fish
Chinese Nutritionists have warned that "eating "four legs" is worse than eating "two legs", eating "two legs" is worse than eating "no legs."
"Four legs" mainly refers to pigs, cattle, and mutton. Eating too much of these meats is not conducive to weight loss and lowering blood fat;
"Two legs" mainly refers to poultry such as chicken, duck, goose, etc., which are good meat foods;
"No legs" mainly refers to fish and various vegetables. The protein contained in fish is easily digested and absorbed. The amount of unsaturated fatty acids in the fat, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids, is relatively good for the body.
8. Gentle walking
This has a magical anti-aging effect. When adults walk (about 1 kilometre or less) regularly for more than 12 weeks, they will achieve the effect of correct posture and waist circumference, and the body becomes strong and not easily tired.
In addition, walking exercise is also beneficial to treat headache, back pain, shoulder pain, etc., and can promote sleep.
Experts believe that a 30-minute walk a day can get rid of the danger of "adult disease". People who take 10,000 steps a day will have a lower chance of developing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.
 9. a hobby
Having a hobby, whether it is raising flowers, raising birds, collecting stamps, fishing, or painting, singing, playing chess, and traveling, can help the elderly to maintain extensive contact with society and nature. This broadens the horizons of interest of the elderly. They will love and cherish life.
10. good mood
Old people should maintain good emotions as these are extremely important to their health. Common chronic diseases which affect the elderly are closely related to the negative emotions of the elderly:
Many patients with coronary heart disease have angina and myocardial infarction due to stimulation of adverse emotions, resulting in sudden death;
"Bad" temper leads to high blood pressure. In prolonged and severe cases, this can cause stroke, heart failure, sudden death, etc.;
Negative Emotions such as anger, anxiety, and grief can cause blood sugar levels to rise, causing metabolic disorders in the body.
This shows how important it is to have a good mood!
Physical aging is a natural phenomenon, and it is the most sensible choice to fully devote yourself to life and to live the best of the day!
If you feel that this article is useful, share it with more friends~......
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Monday, October 08, 2018
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